
Syntax Cheatsheet


All types and classes will be named T, U, V in that order.

Everything else - e.g. variables, functions, keys and namespaces - will be named a, b, c or A, B, C, in that order.

All functions take 0 parameters, unless the feature is related to function parameters.

All strings will use single-quotes (''), except when template strings (` `) are necessary.

If you still can’t find the syntax construct, try using spaces in different places.

JavaScript constructs are here for completeness, however they will not have their own page in the language reference.

Relevant links to the TypeScript Handbook will be in the form (HB).

Relevant links to the Mozilla Developer Network JavaScript reference will be in the form (MDN).

List of Syntax Elements

Non-syntax elements

(Yes, they’re technically not syntax, but they’re included here for)


Syntax Elements from JavaScript