
Common Issues

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the other kind of includes


My function is ((x: number) => void) | ((x: string) => void), why can’t I use it?

The union | operator means that your function is either of those two types, and you don’t know which. That means the only ways you can call it, are with arguments that both functions can accept.

In this case, you must provide one argument that is a number, but is also a string. This doesn’t exist

In computer science terms, functions are contravariant (Wikipedia) in their argument types.

My object o has type { a: number; } | { a: number; b: number; }, why can’t I access o.b?

If it’s { a: number; }, then it doesn’t have a property b and accessing o.b is an error.

To be able to access it, you have to narrow it so that b is on the object.

One way is by using the in operator:
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let a!: { a: number; } | { a: number; b: number; };
//^ error, `b` is not guaranteed to exist
if ('b' in a) {
  //^? - (property) b: number

Another way is turn it into an optional property instead, either by manually creating the desired type with optional properties, or by using the Partial<T> helper type.

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let a!: { a: number; b?: number; };
let b!: { a: number; } & Partial<{ a: number; b: number; }>;
//^? - (property) b?: number | undefined
//^? - (property) b?: number | undefined
if (a.b) {
  //^? - (property) b?: number
if (b.b) {
  //^? - (property) b?: number

idk, some function inference problems

common conditional types problems